Temp. staining of SDS PAGE gels prior to renaturation??

Cornelius Krasel krasel at alf.biochem.mpg.de
Mon Nov 15 04:03:57 EST 1993

Hiroki Morizono (hiroki at limerick.cbs.umn.edu) wrote:
: My memory is pretty shaggy, but I've used
: a dye for westerns which stained protein pink on nitrocellulose,
: then wash off. Sorry I can't remember the name, but it may be found
: in Maniatis or the Red Book.

This is probably Ponceau Red. For other advice how to stain blots, see for
example "Gel electrophoresis of proteins: A practical approach". This
does not cover the topic of the subject line, however.


/* Cornelius Krasel, Abt. Lohse, Genzentrum, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany */
/* email: krasel at alf.biochem.mpg.de                 fax: +49 89 8578 3975 */
/* "People are DNA's way of making more DNA." (R. Dawkins/anonymous)      */

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