Temp. staining of SDS PAGE gels prior to renaturation??

fork pfinerty at nyx10.cs.du.edu
Mon Nov 15 22:11:48 EST 1993

In article <CGIx67.E0H at news2.cis.umn.edu>,
Hiroki Morizono <hiroki at limerick.cbs.umn.edu> wrote:
>My memory is pretty shaggy, but I've used
>a dye for westerns which stained protein pink on nitrocellulose,
>then wash off. Sorry I can't remember the name, but it may be found
>in Maniatis or the Red Book.

that pink dye is ponceau s.  you can also use fast green FCF on nitro. 
that's what i usu use (the fast green).

pjf -- biochem grad student
teach me to fish and i'll steal your pole

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