protein sequence data base

Duke Groebe drg at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu
Tue Nov 2 14:27:57 EST 1993

In article <drg-011193150411 at ache.pharm.pitt.edu>,
drg at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu (Duke Groebe) wrote:
*> In article <93294.143248AXC19 at psuvm.psu.edu>, AXC19 at psuvm.psu.edu wrote:
*> > 
*> > I need some guidance on what and where or who to go to ...I finally
got the *ami
*> > no acid sequence of a protein of interest...Now, how can I do an
aminoacid *comp
*> > arison to other proteins and figure out if it has already been
isolated.  *Any h
*> > elp will be appreciated.
*> >                          Thanks,
*> >                          Aida Cancel
*> >                           axc19 at psuvm.psu.edu

If you don't have a gopher service and you want software, ftp to
ftp.bio.indiana.edu, login as "anonymous" and give your e-mail address as
the password.  Once you've learned how to get around the directories and
files using the ftp, you can find lotsa software there that will do exactly
what you want and more.


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