In article <1993May12.105040.13658 at>, nvett at writes:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering what everyone out there thinks about the recent article
> by R.J.P.Williams (TIBS, April 1993) on enzymes as mechanical devices. I did
> not think that it was an entirely new concept, especially for people who
> appreciate protein structure, but I think it is a very elegant elaboration
> of the conformational changes on an enzyme molecule during catalysis. I would
> like to initiate a discussion on this if anyone is interested--to get a general
> idea of what you people think. Thanks a lot.
>>> Nat Vettakkorumakankav
> Department of Biochemistry
Hi there Nat,
Is seems response is a bit slow in coming on your proposed discussion. . . if
there seems to be interest I have spoken to RJP Williams and he would be
interested in participating. Guess we'll wait a few more days eh? :)
Darren Nickerson
A Canadian in the UK