In message <9303150316.AA23839 at> Steven Brenner
(seb1005 at asks
> The Protein Databank files frequently contain the structure only a
> single chain of a homo-multimer but provide records describing how to
> translate the coordinates for that monomer in order to produce the
> entire protein. ...
> Does anyone know of such a program?
The translation-rotation matrices in the MATRX records are very easy to work
with. They are usable by all the commercial molecular modeling programs I
know of. A few lines of code from something like "Numerical Recipes in
[C/FORTRAN]: The Art of Scientific Computing", W.H. Press, et al., Cambridge
University Press, 1988, should give you what you need.
He continues:
> I have been told that many of the translation records are
> systematically incorrect as a result of a bug in an early
> crystallographic program. Is this true? If so, is there a program
> (or at least an algorithm) to convert the erroneous translation
> records to correct ones?
I think a more appropriate forum for this question would be the group
PROTEIN-CRYSTALLOGRAPHY at xtal-log at and the corresponding European
network address. In that group your question could be addressed by a member of
the PDB staff and other crystallographers.
Dr. John S. Garavelli
Database Coordinator
Protein Information Resource
National Biomedical Research Foundation
Washington, DC 20007