Announcement of PIR Technical Development News

Fri Jan 8 12:54:21 EST 1993

                Announcement of the Protein Information Resource
                           Technical Development News

We have on-going efforts to standardize the PIR databases, improving their
parsability and compliance with CODATA and other format standards.  During
the next year the combined staffs of the PIR-International will be imposing
and enforcing many new rules and requirements on the distributed versions of
the database.  Some of these rules and requirements may affect the currently
existing software designed to read the PIR databases in "NBRF format".
Notification of the broader aspects of these changes will be placed in our
newsletters and in announcements posted on the BioSci Newsgroups PROTEINS and
BIONEWS.  However, some people may wish to be informed about the technical
aspects of these changes before they appear in a database release.  For that
reason we will be setting up an electronic mailing list to inform software
developers and others interested in the technical aspects of these database

If you would be interested in being placed on this mailing list, please send
a brief electronic mail note to me at one of the network addresses below.
                                 Dr. John S. Garavelli
                                 Database Coordinator
                                 Protein Information Resource
                                 National Biomedical Research Foundation
                                 Washington, DC  20007
                                 POSTMAST at GUNBRF.BITNET
                                 POSTMASTER at NBRF.Georgetown.Edu

More information about the Proteins mailing list

Send comments to us at biosci-help [At] net.bio.net