2-D and 3-D Protein NMR

PARSONS_A at snd01.pcr.co.uk PARSONS_A at snd01.pcr.co.uk
Wed May 6 09:16:40 EST 1992

Greetings Bioneteers,

This is not strictly a biosci posting but I was wondering if there were any
lurkers out there who could point me in the right direction for BB's, SIG's,
Discussion Groups, Software forums, listservers or the like relating to the
field of 2-D and 3-D NMR with particular reference to protein structure

Many thanks,

Tony Parsons

 | Dr.Tony Parsons,			VOX   : + 44 304 616871	              |
 | IT Department,			FAX   : + 44 304 616670               |
 | Pfizer Central Research,				 		      |
 | Ramsgate Road,  +----------------------   e-mail   ------------------------+
 | Sandwich,       |JANET      : parsons_a at uk.co.pcr.snd01                    |
 | KENT	           |Internet   : parsons_a at snd01.pcr.co.uk	       	      |
 | CT13 9NJ UK	   | `A man without patience is like a lamp without oil'      |

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