MIPS database availability

PARSONS_A at uk.co.pcr.snd01 PARSONS_A at uk.co.pcr.snd01
Wed May 20 12:28:48 EST 1992

Greetings BioNetFolk,

Does anyone out there in cyberspace know if the MIPS and MIPSX databases cited
Oliver et al. et al.. Complete sequence of yeast ChrIII (1992) Nature 357, 38-46
the composite database of yeast sequences is available for anonymous ftp or
other forms of distribution?

Many Thanks

Tony P.

 | Dr.Tony Parsons,			VOX   : + 44 304 616871	              |
 | IT Department,			FAX   : + 44 304 616670               |
 | Pfizer Central Research,				 		      |
 | Ramsgate Road,  +----------------------   e-mail   ------------------------+
 | Sandwich,       |JANET      : parsons_a at uk.co.pcr.snd01                    |
 | KENT	           |Internet   : parsons_a at snd01.pcr.co.uk	       	      |
 | CT13 9NJ UK	   |Compuserve : 100064,765    PSImail:234216700127.parsons_a |

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