PIR release 33 available

Bill Pearson wrp at cyclops.micr.virginia.edu
Tue Jul 14 10:03:35 EST 1992

	Release 33 of the NBRF/PIR protein sequence databases is now
available at ftp.bchs.uh.edu:/pub/gene-server/incoming/pir33.  Two
subdirectories are provided, vms and ascii, which contain the vms and
(un)blocked flatfile versions of the database, respectively.  As in
the past, due to problems with binary transfer from vms machines, most
of the *.*x index files in the vms version are almost certainly
incorrect.  Also, due to problems transfering backup savesets, no
backup saveset will be available.

	It is likely that the files will be moved to a more permanent
location shortly.

                P R O T E I N  S E Q U E N C E  D A T A B A S E
                  Section 1. Annotated and Classified Entries
                          Release 33.0, June 30, 1992
                       10071 sequences, 3350584 residues
                      Section 2. Preliminary Entries (NEW)
                          Release 33.0, June 30, 1992
                       15120 sequences, 4071425 residues
                        Section 3. Unverified Entries
                       June 28, 1992          02:32:33
                      17024 sequences, 4989067 residues

                    Protein Identification Resource (PIR)*
                   National Biomedical Research Foundation
                         3900 Reservoir Road, N.W.,
                         Washington, DC  20007, USA
                           In collaboration with:
International Protein Information             Martinsried Institute for
    Database in Japan (JIPID)                  Protein Sequences (MIPS)
   Science University of Tokyo           Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry
  2669 Yamazaki, Noda 278, Japan          D-8033 Martinsried bei Muenchen, FRG
  This database may be redistributed without prior consent, provided that
  this notice be given to each user and that the words "Derived from" shall
  precede this notice if the database has been altered by the redistributor.
                      *PIR is a registered mark of NBRF.



                          Release 9.0, June 30, 1992
    Corresponding to Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Release 60, May 1992

                      1,360 sequences      226,748 residues

  NRL_3D is a sequence--structure database derived from the 3 dimensional
  structure of proteins deposited with the Brookhaven National Laboratory's
  Protein Data Bank.  This database was conceived, developed and tested by
  K. Namboodiri, N. Pattabiraman, A. Lowrey, and B. Gaber at the Naval
  Research Laboratory, Washington, DC and incorporated into the *PIR System
  by David George at the National Biomedical Research Foundation, Washington,
  DC. This version was constructed via software developed by Masami Kusunoki,
  of the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, and 
  John S. Garavelli of the National Biomedical Research Foundation, Washington,

  This database may be redistributed without prior consent, provided that
  this notice be given to each user and that the words "Derived from" shall
  precede this notice if the database has been altered by the redistributor.

  *PIR is a registered mark of NBRF. The PIR is supported by NIH and NSF.

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