Eric Bartels bartels at gmd.de
Wed Jul 1 15:44:56 EST 1992

Hi everybody out there !
I am a computer science student at the University of Bonn, Germany.
Before graduating (M.Sc.) next spring, I would like to do some practical
training and/or studies in the field of computational molecular biology
at a research institute either in Europe or the U.S. .
I took some university courses in theoretical biology, genetics and on
algorithms for DNA sequencing/comparing/distance measuring. I would like
to get some practical experience in this area, especially I like to work
on models for protein folding.
I have got good programming knowledge (C, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C*, PARIS) on
different operating systems ( UNIX,MSDOS,VMS ) and different computers
( PCs, Macs, SUNs, VAX and the Connection Machine CMII parallel computer).
I have also been engaged in research on neural networks, structural
complextiy and artifical intelligence.
I'd like to start the training in the beginning of 1993 for 2 to 6 months.
For a practical training in Europe there is a possibility for financal support
by the European Community's "COMETT II" program.
I'll be grateful for any tip where to apply for such a training.
(Please e-mail all replies directly to me ! I'll post a summary
 if necessary.)
    bartels at theory.cs.bonn.edu
    bartels at theory.cs.uni-bonn.de
    bartels at gmdzi.gmd.de
surface mail:
    Eric Bartels
    Am Jesuitenhof 1/522
    5300 Bonn 1

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