! BIOFORUM at genbank.bio.net,
! GENBANKB at genbank.bio.net,
! BIONEWS at genbank.bio.net,
PROTEINS at genbank.bio.net,
BIO-SOFT at genbank.bio.net
In <9207311454.AA09537 at genbank.bio.net> ray at le.ac.uk ("Dr. R. Dalgleish")
> Has anybody any information about the database query program XQS? I believe
> that it is a UNIX replacement for the PSQ package from NBRF. Can anybody help
> with more info?
XQS was the "in-house" name of the PIR eXperimental Query System, that has
now been released as ATLAS for VAX/VMS and PC/MS-DOS systems. A UNIX port
is "in development". Both versions of the ATLAS program were published on
CD-ROM with release 33.0 of the PIR at the Protein Society meeting in San Diego
earlier this week.
We will be making a more complete announcement of PIR news, including the
ATLAS program, availability of the PIR CD-ROM and changes to the PIR Network
Server, on BIONEWS (bionet.general) and PROTEINS (bionet.molbio.proteins)
on Monday, 3 August.
Dr. John S. Garavelli
Database Coordinator
Protein Identification Resource
National Biomedical Research Foundation
Washington, DC 20007