PROSITE experimental WAIS server

Dr Tan Tin Wee bchtantw at nuscc.nus.sg
Thu Jan 30 02:43:58 EST 1992

Dear fellow netters,

With the permission of Dr Amos Bairoch, we have waisindexed his PROSITE
dictionary in two ways.
a) prosite.doc documentation with header lines adjusted to contain the
   entry_name and PDOC numbers etc.
b) prosite.lis file 

They can now be searched by WAIS if you include the following two .src
files in your wais-sources directory.

This server at solomon.technet.sg in Singapore is up currently on an
experimental basis.  I would appreciate if folks might like to try
it to check the response time.  (Rob Harper has tried it and he says
it works.) Please send your comments also regarding the way the
waisindexing has been carried out. 

Tan Tin Wee and Derek Kiong
Dept of Biochemistry and Dept of Inform.Syst.and Comp.Sci.
National University of Singapore.
Kent Ridge
SIngapore 0511     (bchtantw at nuscc.nus.sg)

---------Please cut here to obtain prosite.src and prosite-list.src---
   :version  3 
   :ip-address ""
   :ip-name "solomon.technet.sg"
   :tcp-port 210
   :database-name "/home/waisguy/src/prosite"
   :cost 0.00 
   :cost-unit :free 
   :maintainer "waisguy at solomon.technet.sg"
   :description "Server created with WAIS release 8 b3.1 on Jan 23 21:24:02 1992 by waisguy at solomon.technet.sg
The files of type dash used in the index were:

This is the WAIS source of the entry documentation of the 
PROSITE dictionary created with the permission of Dr Amos Bairoch by

Dr Tan Tin Wee, Dept of Biochemistry, National University of Singapore,
Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511.  INTERNET: bchtantw at nuscc.nus.sg 
BITNET: bchtantw at nusvm.bitnet

Newcomers are advised to use the keywords "PROSITE" or "help" or
"documentation" to find out more about the PROSITE dictionary.

For a detailed explanation of how this source was indexed, use the
keyword "WAISINDEX" to retrieve the entry.

For questions relating to the content of the PROSITE dictionary,
you are requested to direct your queries to the copyright author
of PROSITE, Dr Amos Bairoch (address given below).

PROSITE dictionary
Release  : 8.00 of December 1991
Copyright: Amos Bairoch
           Medical Biochemistry Department
           University of Geneva
Email    : bairoch at cgecmu51.bitnet
           bairoch at cmu.unige.ch
Telephone: (+41 22) 618 492

This release of PROSITE  contains 530  documentation  entries  that describe
605 different patterns.
The entire database or entries within the database may be copied and 
redistributed freely, without advance permission, provided that its
textual content is not modified.


   :version  3 
   :ip-address ""
   :ip-name "solomon.technet.sg"
   :tcp-port 210
   :database-name "/home/waisguy/src/prosite-list"
   :cost 0.00 
   :cost-unit :free 
   :maintainer "waisguy at solomon.technet.sg"
   :description "Server created with WAIS release 8 b3.1 on Jan 25 16:42:18 1992 by waisguy at solomon.technet.sg
The files of type dash used in the index were:

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