In message <3300.9202041204 at>, pwoollar at (Peter Woollard)
> for any details of the "NBRF RELATE" program and where to obtain it.
The now somewhat out-of-date RELATE program is still distributed on the PIR
program tape. It is a local similarity searching program using the Fitch
method. The program is described in the following reference.
author = "Margaret O. Dayhoff and Winona C. Barker and Lois T. Hunt",
title = "Establishing homologies in protein sequences",
year = 1983,
pages = "524-545",
booktitle = "Methods of Enzymology",
editor = "C. H. W. Hirs and S. N. Timasheff",
publisher = "The Academic Press",
address = "New York"}
It is described in more detail in a document file that can be obtained by
sending a mail message consisting of the command
(in the body of the message, not just on the "SUBJECT:" line) to
The following programs are also available from the PIR either through our
on-line service or on the PIR program distribution tape (those preceded by
an "*")
1. Database Access and Retrieval Programs
INQ Access to newly entered data (daily update)
*NAQ Nucleic Acid Query (nucleic acid sequence databases, one at a time)
*PSQ Protein Sequence Query (protein sequence databases, one at a time)
XQS Experimental Query System
(simultaneous access to protein & nucleic acid databases)
2. Search Programs and Commands
FASTA Revised Pearson rapid homology search program
*FASTP Pearson rapid homology search program (proteins)
*FASTN Pearson rapid homology search program (nucleic acids)
HIGHCOMP Search for segments of similar composition
*ISEARCH AMB Search specifying allowed alternative residues
*RDF Pearson program to evaluate significance of FASTP results
*SEARCH Search database for similar segments
scan PSQ/XQS command for rapid location of exactly matching segments
match PSQ/XQS command to search for segments, allowing wildcards and
3. Global Similarity Programs
*ALIGN NBRF Needleman-Wunsch implementation
COMPARE NBRF comparison of two sequences
MTXCOR Reisner-Westwood protein correlation
4. Local Similarity Programs
*DOTMATRIX Fitch method with graphic output
MTXANL Reisner-Bucholtz method
*RELATE Fitch method
SEQHP Goad-Kanehisa method (IDEAS)
5. Prediction Programs
ALOM Membrane-spanning segments prediction (IDEAS)
*CHOFAS Chou-Fasman secondary structure prediction (IDEAS)
DELPHI Garnier secondary structure prediction (IDEAS)
HPLOT Hydrophobicity plot (IDEAS)
*PRPLOT Protein plot (hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, etc.)
6. Alignment Programs
ALNED Interactive alignment editor
ALNINDEX Lists alignment files
For information about PIR services send the commands
HELP On-Line_Access
HELP PIR_Distribution
Peter also asked
> I would be grateful if someone could tell me what the following
> file format initials stand for:-
MDL Molfile --- The Molecular Design Ltd. CHEMLAB and related programs
use a molecular description MOL file.
Molecular Design, Limited
2132 Farallon Drive
San Leandro, CA 94577
MM2 --- The Molecular Mechanics II (now superseded by MM3) program of
Dr. Norman L. Allinger
Department of Chemistry
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
SMILES --- the molecular structure single string descriptor used by the
MEDCHEM software of Daylight Chemical Information Systems.
Daylight Chemical Information Systems
3951 Claremont St.
Irvine, CA 92714
Dr. John S. Garavelli
Database Coordinator
Protein Identification Resource
National Biomedical Research Foundation
Washington, DC 20007