In article <1992Dec30.091242.18896 at> robison1 at (Keith Robison) writes:
>Does anyone out there know where I can find the Enzyme Commission
>classifications on-line (gopher would be great) or FTPable?
>>There is a Wais source with which you can search the EC-enzyme database,
and of course you can use the wais source through gopher. (Shameless plug:
you can find a link to it in the gopher hole at in the
--> 4. Genbank, PIR, Swiss_PROT and other Database Searches/
directory. :-) Unfortunately the waisserver which runs the searches seems to
be down at the moment - I've contacted the maintainer and hope it will be back
online soon, if not I may serve it here.
If you'd like to ftp the whole database you can get it from (among other places) in the repository/enzyme directory, or (shameless plug :-)
go to the gopher hole at (among other places) and
go into the
--> 2. FTP Sites For Biology/
directory where there is a link into the ncbi site -
( 16. NCBI Repository FTP Archive /)
in which you'll find the enzyme directory and the EC-enzyme database
which you can retrieve - it will take a little while as the database
is an 800K file - some gopher clients handle big files better than others.
Best of luck and Happy New Year,
Dan Jacobson
danj at