Zn binding to polyhistidine

James Petts pettsj at visigoth.demon.co.uk
Fri Aug 28 01:49:50 EST 1992

In article <01GO32J3NJNY9357M2 at minna.iit.edu> , CMSMUELLER at KARL.IIT.EDU
>Does anyone know the relationship between the number of 
>histidine residues and the binding affinity to Zn++? 

Furthermore, in all the cases I mentioned in the previous posting, two of 
the histidine residues are on a helix, separated by three other residues 
(i.e. they are residues n and n+4, i.e. on the same face of the helix, 
which repeats with period 4 of course.)

Fee free to e-mail me if you want me to look at the structures in more 
James Petts
* "We use the classical theory on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, *   
*  and the quantum theory on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays."   *
************************************** Wm. Bragg *******************

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