Downtime for PIR Computer System

Wed Apr 22 10:56:58 EST 1992

            Announcement of Temporary Interruption of Access to
                   The Protein Identification Resource

The National Biomedical Research Foundation will be installing new computer
hardware and software beginning on Friday 24 April.  We hope to have the new
computer system available on Monday 27 April.  From 09:00 EDT Friday 24 April
through about 12:00 EDT Monday 27 April it will not be possible for users to
access either the Protein Identification Resource Network Server or the On-line

Please, do not send requests to FILESERV at GUNBRF from 24 April through 27 April.

We regret any inconvenience this temporary loss of service will cause.
The new installation will enable us to provide improved user services to a
wider community.
                                 Dr. John S. Garavelli
                                 Database Coordinator
                                 Protein Identification Resource
                                 National Biomedical Research Foundation
                                 Washington, DC  20007
                                 POSTMASTER at GUNBRF.BITNET

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