help needed on proteases............

BS04 at primeb.dundee.ac.uk BS04 at primeb.dundee.ac.uk
Thu Mar 14 11:53:14 EST 1991


  Could I have some advice on Protease inhibitors? I am just about to start
using them as part of my extraction buffer. The amounts I need to buy are
quite small and for every extraction even less.

 The  question I would like to ask is: Is it possible to make up the
solution in the vial the chemical comes in and freeze aliquots? Often when
only small amounts of a chemical are obtained a fraction always seems to be
left in the lid/sides/bottom of the vial! and quite alot is "lost".

   The chemicals I intend to use are (1) Aprotinin (2) Leupeptin (3) Pepstatin
If anyone has any alternatives/recommendations on the use of these chemicals
I would be more than grateful.


   Andrew Johnston.

Andrew M. Johnston,                    E-Mail: BS04 at PRIMEB.DUNDEE.AC.UK
Biological Sciences,                   Tel No: 0382-23181 Ext 4282
University of Dundee,

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