The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Graduate Program in Plant Biology
Are you considering graduate school in plant biology? If so you are
encouraged to apply to The Plant Sciences Program in the Department of
Biology at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The program is
a graduate-level training curriculum that unites the diverse fields of plant
biology and synergistic disciplines such as structural biology,
biochemistry, genetics, bioinformatics, computer sciences, statistics and
The Department of Biology has a strong group of molecular plant
biologists. Several faculty work in the area of Plant Molecular Genetics and
Development, creating a diverse research and training environment. Areas of
particular concentration among the molecular and cellular biologists include
plant-pathogen interactions (Dangl, Grant, Matthysse), signal transduction
(Jones, Kieber, Reed), genome dynamics (Copenhaver) and development
(Liljigren). The Department also has strength in whole system plant biology
and plant evolution. Dr. Gensel utilizes Devonian fossils to understand the
overall patterns of evolutionary change, while Dr. Vision uses sequenced
genomes. Both Dr. White and Peet are interested in the composition and
dynamics of ecosystems. Detailed descriptions of faculty research interests
can be found at: In addition
interactions with plant biologists from Duke, NC State, and companies like
Syngenta, Paradigm Genetics, Bayer, and BASF make the wider Research
Triangle area an especially stimulating environment.
To apply for the Plant Science Program please follow the
instructions for the Department of Biology application process found at: