Disease gene bioinformatics, string algorithms and supercomputer technologies.

LrnHoule at aol.com LrnHoule at aol.com
Tue Aug 27 03:09:35 EST 2002

Disease gene linkage newsgroup:

I am a graduate student calling with several questions that pertain to 
disease gene
bioinformatics, string algorithms and supercomputer technologies.

1. Given the DNA sequence of a human disease gene, what computationally 
intensive bioinformatic analysis of this disease gene would require the 
of a supercomputer?

2. What computational molecular biology algorithms are required that would 
a supercomputer in order to search for novel human disease genes?

3. Numerous complete genomes have been sequenced.  What comparative 
genomics algorithms should be executed using a supercomputer in order to 
for and/or characterize human disease genes?

Thanks in advance,

John Houle
genomic_supercomputing at hotmail.com

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