WEDELMUSIC2001:International Conference on Web Delivering of Music

Nesi wedel01 at dsi.unifi.it
Thu Nov 16 05:50:51 EST 2000

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International Conference on Web Delivering of Music

WEDELMUSIC2001, Florence, Italy, 30th Nov.-1st December 2001

Patronized by: IEEE CS TC on Computer Generated Music
Sponsored by: IST Europ. Commission, University of Florence, DSI,

In the era of the Internet there is an increasing interest in the diffusion of 
culture by using new technologies. Music is one of the well-known fields
 in which people has focussed their attention in the past centuries and one
 pioneer fields in using Internet technologies for the audio files diffusion. 
By now, the accessibility of traditional supports in which music is currently
 distributed is bound by paper and CD or related technologies. The
 possibility to distribute music in several other formats, such as symbolic, 
audio (in all its several available formats) and images of music sheets is 
opens several research aspects. On the other hand, internet technologies
are strongly impacting on system architectures and business processes and 
rules that are strongly changing the distribution mechanisms of music.
WEDELMUSIC-2001 will address these major topics in music related
fields in order to cover the several possible aspects in which music can 
be distributed to a larger audience. This impacts also on cultural heritage
 saving and sharing among people having poor possibilities to access 
classical archives or libraries.
In particular, solutions for visually impaired people to access this large 
and hidden cultural heritage is encouraged. Tools for impaired people 
will contribute to enlarge the availability of music playing and fruition. 

The focus of the conference is to explore the new challenges that the Internet,
 as a driver for business changes, poses for music distribution, and the new 
opportunities that it opens as infrastructure and enabling technology. The 
purpose of the conference is to promote discussion and interaction between 
researchers and practitioners. We are particularly interested in exchanging
 concepts, prototypes, research ideas, and other results which could contribute
 to the academic arena and also benefit business and the industrial community.
 WEDELMUSIC-2001 will bring together researchers, practitioners, 
developers and users of tools, technology transfer experts, and project managers 
to cover not only the different technical aspects, but also the impact of Internet 
for cultural heritage saving.

Topics of interest include but are not restricted to the following aspects:
- Protection formats and tools for music
- Transaction Models for delivering music
- Business model for publisher
- Copyright ownership protection
- Formats and models for distribution
- Watermarking techniques for protecting music sheets and audio files
- Music manipulation and Analysis
- Music Excerpts, score and audio
- Music and tools for impaired people
- Publishers and distributors servers
- Viewing and listening tools for music
- Databases for institutions: publishers, conservatories, libraries, theatres, etc.
- Music Education Techniques
- Braille music and tools
- Cataloguing Aspects and tools
- Conversion aspects, techniques, quality, reliability and tools
- Music Sheet Digitalisation, techniques, tools, quality
- Music editing and manipulation 

Research papers should describe original and significant work in the research
and practice of the previously cited main topics. Research case studies, application
 and experiments are particularly welcome. Papers should be 2000 û 5000 
words in length, in English. Submit them in PDF or PostScript via email to 
WEDELMUSIC2001 at dsi.unifi.it  by 15 February 2001. 8 pages of the accepted
 papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

We welcome proposals for presentations of Applications and tools. These can 
be experience reports from real adoption of tools, industrial practices and models, 
or tool demonstrations. Submit proposals for Application presentations via 
email to WEDELMUSIC2001 at dsi.unifi.it by 15 February 2001. Applications
 proposals will be reviewed and have to consist of a description and demo if 
any. A 1 page summary of accepted proposals will be included in the conference 
Proceedings will be published by IEEE, the conference is patroned by IEEE 
Computer society Technical Committee on Computer Generated Music.

Paper and Application submission 15 February 2001, notification of acceptance
 2 July 2001. 

If you are interested in adding specific workshops and/or panels please contact 
the general Chair.

General chair: Paolo Nesi, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica
University of Florence, Italy, nesi at dsi.unifi.it

Research Paper Program co-chairs:
Christoph Busch, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics 
Darmstadt, GERMANY, busch at igd.fhg.de
Fabrizio Fioravanti, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica
University of Florence, Italy, fioravan at dsi.unifi.it

Applications Program co-chairs:
Michel Fingerhut, IRCAM, Paris, France, puig at ircam.fr
Pierfrancesco Bellini, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica
University of Florence, Italy, bellini at hpcn.dsi.unifi.it 
Francesco Spadoni, ARTEC, Belgium, spadoni at rigel.li.it

Publicity co-chairs:
Jerome Barthelemy, IRCAM, Paris, France, Jerome.Barthelemy at ircam.fr
Marius Bogdan Spinu, University of Florence, Italy spinu at dsi.unifi.it

Local Arrangements co-chairs:
Ivan Bruno, University of Florence, Italy, Ivanb at hpcn.dsi.unifi.it
Riccardo Della Santa , CESVIT, Italy, Dellasanta at hpcn.dsi.unifi.it

Lisa Masseti, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, University of Florence, Italy
Tel: +39-055-4796567
Fax: +39-055-4796363
lisa at dsi.unifi.it

See the www site for the programme committee.


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