help simlink

Guo-Yun Yu (Neurology) gyy at mail.ahc.umn.edu
Fri Apr 28 13:12:22 EST 2000

Hello Xiaohai,

Can you change the source and recompile it?  IF you are talking about
the allele number, 4 is ok for simulation.
Have you used slink or fastslink.  I am also try to use these programs.
I am very interested in getting a most updated slink or fastslink
program for unix or PC.  It'd be nice to compare the results of slink
and simlink.



xiaohai zhang wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> When I simulate family using simlink software, I find the number of the
> marker in locus file cannot be more than 4.But I want 5 markers. Can you
> help me?
> dawnsea
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