JOB - Seeking a Statistical Geneticist

CHASALOW, SCOTT [AG/2165] scott.chasalow at cereon.com
Wed Apr 12 11:20:39 EST 2000


CEREON GENOMICS, a rapidly growing agricultural biotechnology company
in Cambridge MA, USA, is seeking a Statistical Geneticist.


Statistical Geneticist


Cereon Genomics LLC, Cambridge MA, USA

Cereon Genomics is an agricultural biotechnology company formed in
November 1997 through a collaboration between Millennium Pharmaceuticals
(a highly successful genomics company) and the Monsanto Company.  
Cereon's goal is to develop and apply genomics to agricultural problems,
and thereby improve the quality and quantity of the world's food supply.
We are mainly concerned with microbial and plant genetics.

The company is founded by a group of scientists, many from academia.
It provides exciting opportunities to pursue interesting biological
questions that require large resources.  In the past two years, we
have created a world-class facility, and assembled an enthusiastic and
stimulating group of over 200 people.


A Ph.D. in Statistics or Biostatistics is required.  A solid grounding
in statistical theory and experience in applying statistical methods
to problems in genetics are essential.  At least 2 years post-Ph.D.
experience and expertise in QTL analysis are most desirable.


* Has a solid understanding of statistical theory and the art of data
analysis.  Knowledge of Bayesian and computationally-intensive methods
a plus.

* Is experienced in applying statistical methods to problems in human,
animal, or plant genetics.

* Has strong statistical computing skills.  Familiarity with S-PLUS and
C/C++ programming a plus.

* Understands biology, especially genetics.

* Is organized, detail-oriented and self-motivated.

* Is a critical thinker, adaptable, and can work well as part of an
interdisciplinary research team.

* Has strong oral and written communication skills.


* You will join a team responsible for QTL analyses and other
statistical problems in genomics and plant breeding.  As an integral
part of this team, you will tackle challenging projects, many requiring
the development and application of innovative methods for data
analysis and visualization.

* One major area of application is identification and cloning of QTLs
from crop plants.  This requires application (and modification as
necessary) of statistical methods for QTL mapping using molecular-
marker linkage maps. 

* Development of breeding designs 

* Design and analysis of trait/marker association studies


Cereon offers a highly competitive salary, and an excellent benefits
package, including:

* Three weeks vacation plus 17 holidays per year
* Medical and Dental insurance plans
* Group life insurance
* Transportation benefit
* Savings and investment (401K) plan with company match
* Stock option plan


Cereon is located in a very stimulating environment.  We are in the
same building as Millennium Pharmaceuticals, and are very close to
MIT.  We have a close relationship with the Whitehead/MIT Center for
Genome Research.  Eric Lander is on our scientific advisory board, as
is Steven Tanksley.  We have a very strong bioinformatics group under
the leadership of Stan Letovsky (formerly of GDB).  We also have a
close relationship with Monsanto's molecular breeding groups in St.
Louis and Iowa, and other Monsanto sites worldwide.  


For more information about Cereon, see our website, www.cereon.com,
and our full-page ad in the 18 February 2000 issue of SCIENCE.

For informal inquiries, contact Scott Chasalow at:

Tel. +1 617 551 8116
Fax  +1 617 551 1920
Scott.Chasalow at cereon.com

Send resumes with cover letter, indicating job code 7400-13GL, to:

Attn: Recruiter
Cereon Genomics, LLC
45 Sidney Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax +1 617 551 1990

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