We apologize if you have received this announcement more than once.
Please pass this announcement to any colleague having interest in this
area. Thank you.
JANUARY 26, 1998
Call for Papers
Capri (Italy)
July 1-3, 1998
The 10th International SSDBM Conference will take place in Capri, at "La
Residenza" Hotel, July 1-3, 1998. This International Conference will be
organized by the Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica (IASI)
of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). It will bring together
database researchers, practitioners, and developers, as well as domain
scientists from multiple scientific disciplines, for the presentation
and exchange of current research and on concepts, tools, and techniques
for scientific and statistical database applications. The 10th SSDBM
will provide a forum for original research contributions and practical
system design, implementation, and evaluation. The conference will also
feature keynote talks, panel sessions, and demonstrations of research
prototypes and industrial systems. It will continue the tradition of
past SSDBM meetings in providing a stimulating environment to encourage
discussion and the exchange of ideas in the drawing-room of the world:
Capri. You can find other information at the address
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following:
System Architectures, Modeling and Semantics, Process Models, Query
Languages and User Interfaces, Data Visualization, Metadata Management,
Physical Organization, Data Compression, Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining, Uncertainty Management, Data Integration, Multi-media Data,
Probabilistic DB, Privacy/Security, Distributed SDB, Data Warehouse,
Temporal Data, Spatial Data, Collaborative Work, Experiment Management,
Tertiary Storage.
Of particular interest are results that address issues arising in
providing DB support to specific statistical applications or scientific
disciplines, such as the following:
Biological Sciences, Biostatistics, Census DBs, Chemistry, Decision
Support, Earth and Space Sciences, Economics and Finance, Engineering,
Enterprise Analysis, Environmental Risks, Geography, Medicine, On-Line
Analytical Processing, Physics, Pollution, Social Sciences.
The 10th SSDBM invites two separate types of papers:
1. Research Papers. They will describe the most recent and important
advances in Scientific and Statistical DBs. Theoretical papers should
include a solid motivation as to why the specific results are important
for domain scientists and how they are going to influence the
development of scientific or statistical database systems. System papers
should describe either complete working systems which are being tested
by domain scientists or specialized techniques which can significantly
increase the power of actual scientific and statistical database
2. Experience/Challenge Papers. They will describe actual prototype
implementations, pose problems which current technology cannot handle
well, or identify important industrial trends which could affect the
future research directions. They should be based on real-life
experiences and should clearly place their contribution in the context
of the current state of the art and relevant literature.
Submitted papers should be clearly marked at the top of the first page
by the appropriate category for which they are intended. The Program
Committee will decide , at its discretion, the class (full or short
paper) in which to put the accepted research papers, as well as to
switch papers that are deemed more appropriate for the other category
(Research to Experience/Challenge or vice versa). In addition, the 10th
SSDBM invites proposals for panels, as well as prototypes for
demonstration at the Conference.
All submissions are must arrive by JANUARY 26, 1998 to the Program
Chair. PAPERS should be up to 8,000 words long. PANEL PROPOSALS should
be at most 2 pages long and should include a tentative list of
panelists. DEMONSTRATION PROPOSALS should be at most 2 pages long and
should specify the kind of hardware required. All papers and proposals
should be sent electronically (MS-Word, Postscript) or in hard-copies (5
JANUARY 26, 1998 NEW (hard) DEADLINE for
submission of papers
March 31, 1998 Notification of
May 1, 1998 Deadline for having final
papers at the publisher
Steering Committee
Arie Shoshani (USA, Chair)
Hans Hinterberger (Switzerland)
James C. French (USA)
Per Svensson (Sweden)
Dave Maier (USA)
General Chairman
Maurizio Rafanelli
viale Manzoni 30, 00185 Roma, Italy
Phone: +39.6.77161 - Fax: +39.6.771 6461
e-mail: rafanelli at iasi.rm.cnr.it
Program Chairman
Matthias Jarke
Informatik V, RWTH Aachen
52056 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49.241.802 1500 - Fax: +49.241.888 8321
e-mail: jarke at informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Program Committee
C.M. Bauzer Medeiros (Brazil)
A. Bonner (Canada)
T. Catarci (Italy)
S. Chaudhuri (USA)
D. DeWitt (USA)
K.R. Dittrich (Switzerland)
M. Egenhofer (USA) [requested]
J.C. French (USA)
O. Guenther (Germany)
H. Hinterberger (Switzerland)
Y. Ioannidis (Greece)
M. Jeusfeld (Netherlands)
D. Keim (Germany)
L. Kerschberg (USA)
R. Laurini (France)
H.J. Lenz (Germany) [requested]
P. Lewis (UK)
D. Maier (USA) [requested]
F.Malvestuto (Italy)
V.M. Markowitz (USA)
W. Marquardt (Germany)
S.B. Navathe (USA)
F. Olken (USA)
M. Oszoyoglu (USA) [requested]
M. Rafanelli (Italy)
J.L.A. van Rijckevorsel (Netherlands)
D. Shasha (USA) [requested[
E. Simon (France)
S. Sklorz (Germany)
B. Sundgren (Sweden)
P. Svensson (Sweden)
Y. Vassiliou (Greece)
A. Westlake (UK)
M. Winslett (USA)
M. Zemankova (USA).
Organization Secretariat / Technical Support
Mary Carbone, Armanda Filacchioni
Antonia Bezenchek, Angelo Maliziola, Sergio Medici
Local Arrangment
P. De Gennaro
Hotel La Residenza, Capri
Phone: +39.81.8370833 - Fax: +39.6.8377564 - Telex: 720075 SADHOTEL
e-mail: Laresidenza at capri.it
Internet: http://caprionline.com/laresidenza
Local Arrangement
Hotel accommodation at a special conference rate is available at the La
Residenza Hotel (which is also the Conference hotel).
You can choose among different solutions (each cost, in Italian liras,
refers to one person):
- double room, full board L. 200,000
- double room (used as single), full board L. 270,000
- single room, full board L. 240,000
- double room, half board L. 170,000
- double room (used as single), half board L. 240,000
- single room, half board L. 210,000
- double room (breakfast included) L. 140,000
- double room (used as single, breakfast included) L. 210,000
- single room (breakfast included) L. 180,000
Note: The conference registration includes 3 lunches and closing
banquet. The full board refers, obviously, to accompanying person(s).
Hotel reservation can be made directly to the hotel La Residenza (by fax
or e-mail), specifying that the reservation refers to the 10th SSDBM.
Payment for one night is due with the reservation. VISA, MasterCard or
American Express can be used.
Please send the following registration form, by e-mail or fax (+39 6
7716461) by June 1 (reduced fee) or June 30 (regular fee) indicating
also the kind of chosen payment (check, money transfer or at conference
Dr. Mr. Ms.
Name for Badge (if different from above)
Title: ________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________
(State) ____________________________________
Zip: ________________________________________
Country: ____________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Fax: _________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________________
Author: _____ (yes)
Attendee Arrival date: ________________________________
Departure date: _______________________________________
Conference Fees
(Includes Proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, opening cocktail,
closing banquet, special event)
Conference fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600,000 L. (before June 1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700,000 L. (after June 1)
Extra nights . . . . . . . . . . . . the same special conference rate
(specify which)
from _______________________ to ____________________
(total extra nights __________ )
Extra banquet . . . . . . . . . 100,000 L . . . . . number
(accompanying person)
Total ______________ L.
Extra Proceedings . . . . . . . . . 40 US$ . . . . . number ________
Total ______________ US$
TOTAL amount . . . . . . . . ______________ L. plus ___________ US$
(Specify the chosen payment:
______ check ______ money transfer ______ at conference desk).
*** Payment ***
You can pay your total amount by a personal check (registered letter),
or by money transfer, to the bank account of the Conference titled to:
Maurizio Rafanelli - 10th SSDBM -
Ag. 19 of the "Banca Nazionale del Lavoro" Roma, Italy -
Account number: 20428 (ABI code: 1005 CAB code: 3219)
or, upon arrival at conference desk.
In case of cancellation before June 1, registration fee will be
reimbursed, minus 100,000 handling fee.
No reimbursement whatsoever after June 1.
Registration is, of course, transferable.
The Phoenicians and the Greeks, having colonized Southern Italy, came to
know Capri; but the Island's first lover was Augustus Imperator, who
arrived here in 29 B.C. After Augustus, Tiberius Imperator found the
island replete with roads and buildings, and he made these into a
miniature personal kingdom. The city of Capri came into being in about
1200 A.D. It grew around what is now the "Piazzetta", seeking refuge
from pirate raids. Marina Grande thus remained simply an anchorage. The
road which today leads to the center of Capri did not yet exist, and the
ravines and steep cliff sides were defence enough against assaults.
While reality is less-extraordinary than imagination, we cannot say the
same for Capri.
The island: its position at the mouth of the Gulf of Naples, facing the
breadth of the Tyrrhenian Sea; its sea-caverns (innumerable); its rugged
terrain made of terraces and precipices; the unspoilt beauty of Monte
Solaro, 589 mt (1767 ft) above sea level, giving us an unparalleled view
over the Gulf of Naples. The chairlift leading to Monte Solaro passes in
deep silence just barely over the brush, the olive groves, the very
roofs of farmhouses. Two gigantic rock fragments, breaking the sea's
surface just in front of the landing called Port of Tragara, are known
as the "Faraglioni". There are a great many grottoes: first of all, the
Blue Grotto where the water really turns cobalt blue, an extraordinary
effect of the refracted sunlight. Then there are the Green Grotto, the
Grotto of the Cannon, the Red Grotto, the Grotto of the Sea Bull, and so
on. There are so many things on this island to which an entire life
could be dedicated, and one might never again wish to return to the
mainland . . . .
Dr. Maurizio Rafanelli
viale Manzoni 30
00185 Roma
Ph. +39 6 7716437
fax +39 6 7716461
General Chairman of the 10th SSDBM