Automatic genotyping software

Peter Van Osta pvosta at uia.ua.ac.be
Wed Jun 26 06:42:42 EST 1996


We are using ABI-377 (and ABI-373) sequencers with ABi-software to do
genome searches.

Although there is a program called genotyper available from ABI (running
on Mac) I am looking for a program that would accept ABI-data from the
Mac and that could do the genotyping on Unix (Linux 2.0.0 / Slakware

Our Macs are linked to the Linuxbox (ehernet) and I am using Netatalk to
tranfer data from/to the Linuxbox, so exchanging the data is not a
problem. Linux on PC provides with a powerful but cheap platform to do
linkage-analysis, but I want to improve the dataflow to the
linkage-programs by automating the data-transfer to the

Peter Van Osta, MD

please email.


Neurogenetics and Protein Chemistry
Department of Biochemistry
University of Antwerp (UIA), building T
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerpen

tel.:	+32 3 820 23 23 (am, GMT +1)
	+32 3 820 23 22 (pm)
fax.:	+32 3 820 25 41

email:	pvosta at uia.ua.ac.be

WWW:	http://alt-www.uia.ac.be/u/pvosta/welcome.html

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