Drawing linkage maps

Patricia Rodriguez-Tome tome at uranus.ebi.ac.uk
Thu Jun 20 12:12:57 EST 1996

In article <31C861EF.3B8A at em.agr.ca>, "Nicholas A. Tinker"
<tinkerna at em.agr.ca> writes:
>I had many useful replies to my question about exporting Mapmaker 
>postscript files to some other format.  The most useful sugestions were
>>that "Ghostscript" would export EPS format, and that CorelDraw would 
>import both PS and EPS.  Unfortunately, after a day of trying, neither
>>solution works. 
>Maybe it's time to look for a new way of drawing chromosome linkage 
>any sugestions?

CorelDraw and others will "import" Ps or EPS files (as will xfig on unix)
but you wont be able to modify (only resize) them. Sometimes you won't 
even see them on the screen while they will appear in the document.
That is because their own format (ie the default when they read/write)
is not PS. 

We had the same problem when I was working at genethon. We ended up writing
a program where the output was Poscript but following the format
for AdobeIllustrator (because that format is at Adobe site ) so we were then
able to import them in Illustrator (with some problem - where was the bug;-)

But it worked and the files could be modified. that is the program that was 
used for the Genethon genetic map (see Nature Genetics)

So I suppose the solution is writing the output in a Postscript format
a program can read and modify. 

Maybe there are filters out there? I don't know any but the 
ftp.adobe.com site seems a good place to look at. go into the pub directory


Dr. Patricia Rodriguez-Tome		| URL:  http://www.ebi.ac.uk
The EMBL Outstation, Hinxton - The European Bioinformatics Institute
Hinxton Hall, Hinxton			| Tel:	+44 (0)1223 494 409
Cambridge CB10 1RQ, UK			| Fax:	+44 (0)1223 494 468

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