>>>>> "NAT" == "Nicholas A Tinker" <tinkerna at em.agr.ca> writes:
NAT> Hello, I had many useful replies to my question about
NAT> exporting Mapmaker postscript files to some other format.
NAT> Maybe it's time to look for a new way of drawing chromosome
NAT> linkage maps........
NAT> any sugestions?
I've written a small bioTk program for drawing linkage and radiation
hybrid maps. It can export a map as encapsulated postscript (it just
uses tcl to dump the canvas). We've imported the maps into Word for
Windows documents with no problems.
You can get a beta version of my program from:
We've also submitted an abstract on this program to ASHG'96.
I've gotten this program to run on PC's with tcl/tk 4.1, but it
requires a little tinkering with tkmap and some modifications to bioTk
(bioTk tries to execute "ls" to get a file listing for it's filebox).
I don't know if I can distribute a single package containing all my
modifications, but I'll try to put diffs for Windows users on my
bioTk made writing this program a cinch, as a matter of fact, I had
the first prototype for this program running in a couple of minutes,
with my boss watching over my shoulder.
Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga
Cellular & Structural Biology
humberto at momo.uthscsa.eduhttp://momo.uthscsa.edu/~humberto/