***** Postdoctoral Position available *********************************
***** Desired Start Date: September 1, 1996 (August 1 - October 1) ****
******************* Area of Research: *******************************
***** Statistical Gene Mapping and Markov Chain Monte Carlo ***********
******************* Location: ***************************************
******** Department of Dairy Science **********************************
** Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ****************
I am offering a postdoctoral position with funding available for up to
two years. Two previous postdoctoral associates have worked on this
project with great success and productivity (3-5 papers each).
The research is funded by the National Science Foundation and the
US Department of Agriculture. The successful candidate will
contribute in some of the following areas:
(i) Generalization of software developed for Bayesian and Residual
Maximum Likelihood statistical gene mapping to pedigree structures
other than granddaughter designs.
(ii) Continuation of work on fitting several linked QTLs per
(iii) Further optimization of linkage analysis software,
including parallelization.
(iv) Analysis of large genetic marker data sets with above methods
and with simpler methods, including nonparametric approaches.
(v) Further developments of efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo
(including Gibbs sampling) algorithms for gene mapping, models
including mapped genes and (non)linear models.
(vi) Further developments of tests for the nature of QTLs (single
biallelic or multiallelic, polygenic)
(vii) Linkage analysis with multiple traits and categorical traits.
The successful candidate will be given the opportunity to teach and
collaborate on other projects, if desired. He/she will work in a
team of two PhD students and two postdoctorals, and probably one
or two visiting scientists.
The candidate must be
(i) well trained in Statistics and Genetics and hold a PhD degree in
either field, and
(ii) familiar with Fortran programming and Unix environments.
The ideal candidate is also
(iii) somewhat familiar with major gene and linkage analyses
(iv) eager to succeed and exercise initiative
(v) reliable and a good team member
Please send applications including Curriculum Vitae, list of
publications, and three references to
email: inah at vt.edu
fax: (USA) 406 994 1895 c/o Ina Hoeschele (before Aug.10)
(USA) 540 231 5014 c/o Ina Hoeschele (after Aug.10)
Feel free to contact me by email first if you like to obtain more
information about this position.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University provides a
productive research environment with 11 animal geneticists (a mix of
animal breeders, statistical geneticists and molecular geneticists)
and a large Statistics department (offering also classes in
statistical genetics and biostatistics), providing the possibility
for interaction and auditing of classes. There is also interaction
with a Human Genetics group in Richmond, VA, including Drs.
Charles MacLean and Mike Neale. Finally, the computing facilities
are excellent (departmental high-end, multi-processor workstation,
computing center workstations, symmetric multi-processor and SP2
systems, and supercomputing access at the Cornell Theory Center).
Ina Hoeschele
Associate Professor of Quantitative Genetics