HGMP - current status?

Robyn Wallace rwallace at mad.adelaide.edu.au
Tue Jun 4 22:46:17 EST 1996

>Just a quick query.  Does anyone have a rough idea what the current status
>of the human genome linkage map is.  In particular, I would like to know
>how many type I markers and how many type II markers have been identified
>and mapped.
>Thanks in advance,
>David MacHugh

Genethon have just released their latest (and final) genetic map,
consisting of 5,264 microsatellite markers.  It can be found in Nature vol
380 (March 1996).


Robyn Wallace
Department of Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics         /\_/\
Womens and Childrens Hospital                            ( o o )
North Adelaide, South Australia  5006                     > - <
Ph  61 08 204 6442
Fax 61 08 204 7342
Email  rwallace at mad.adelaide.edu.au


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