Fluorescent Oligo Synthesis

Margaret A. Keller, Ph.D. keller at email.chop.edu
Wed Jun 5 14:14:48 EST 1996

The Nucleic Acid/Protein Research Core Facility at The Children's Hospital
of Philadelphia would like to offer linkage researchers a limited time
special on the synthesis of fluorescent primers. 40 nm or 200 nm scales
are available with either 6-FAM, HEX or TET labels at discounted rates.
The per base charge is $0.90/base for 40 nmol and $1.15/b for 200nmol
plus $300 per bottle of fluorescent amidite plus $25 per OPC purification.
The fluorescent labeling reagent can be used for several oligos over
several days. Turnaround time is 7-10 business days. There is a $12 charge
for overnight shipping. Please email napcore at email.chop.edu or call (215)
590-3897 for further information.

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