Problem with Mapmaker/exp 3.0b

Glaser Walter walter at gem.univie.ac.at
Tue Jun 4 03:29:21 EST 1996

I am using the PC-Version of MAPMAKER/EXP 3.0b. The Program was received by 
FTP from genome.wi.mit.edu (mapm3pc1.exe mapm3pc2.exe)
When the Program starts the 'default linkage critieria' are both set to zero 
and not to LOD 3.0 and 50cM as stated in the manual. The Program also refuses 
to change the the values when I try to reset them with 'default linkage 
criteria 3.0 80'. 
Thanks in advance
                 Walter Glaser
                 Inst. for Microbiol. and Gentics
                 Vienna Biocenter

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