Please excuse this brief intrusion, but we are trying to locate
any and all holders of academic degrees conferred within the last
ten (10) years.
The Kitty Knight Corporation, Boston, MA, is currently searching
for qualified individuals to participate in a ***PAID*** study
focusing on post-secondary, graduate, and professional education
in the United States.
Holders of ALL types of degrees in ALL fields of study are needed.
We would like to hear from you as long as your degree was earned
at an accredited institution in the United States.
After an initial screening, qualified participant will be asked to
complete a questionaire of approx 150 questions. Everyone who
completes the survey will receive a $100 stipend. Naturally,
*ALL* information will be held in the strictest confidence.
To express interest, please send your name, mailing address, and
photocopies of **ALL** degrees you have earned to: The Kitty
Knight Corporation, Attn: Study 96-3H, Back Bay Annex, P O Box
546, Boston, MA 02117. (If not obvious from the degree, please
indicate the field of study.)
Thank You Very Much!