
Rui Vogt Alves Da Cruz rui.vogt.alves.da.cruz at dialdata.com.br
Thu Jun 8 18:15:30 EST 1995

 -=> Quoting Rjo06!cornell.edu!gma2 to Rui Vogt Alves Da Cruz <=-
 Rj> First, you should do a search of Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
 Rj> (OMIM), available thru GDB on the Internet URL= http://www.gdb.org. If
 Rj> you don't have WWW access, you can access GDB via gopher. For further
 Rj> help in accessing GDB and OMIM send Email to davidk at gdb.org or
 Rj> help at gdb.org. 
 Rj> There are several hypertrichosis (note spelling for searching)
 Rj> syndromes. the general form being autosomal dominant.           
 Rj> The trait consists of long hairs growing from the helix of the pinna;
 Rj> see Dronamraju (1964) and Stern et al. (1964).  Controversy has
 Rj> prevailed as to whether it is Y-linked or autosomal, or perhaps both
 Rj> (in different families).  Rao (1970, 1972) proposed that hairy ears
 Rj> result from the interaction of two loci, one on the homologous
 Rj> segment of the X and Y and one on the nonhomologous segment of the Y.

 Rj> As you can see it has not been reconsidered critically in recent
 Rj> years. You may be rewarded by doing a literature search using Science
 Rj> Citation Index looking for any publications citing the authors listed
 Rj> below. 
 Rj> I would be very interested to hear if you come up with any more recent
 Rj> information.                                                    
 Rj> There are several other syndromes as well.

 Rj> Gregory M. Acland                                           (607)
 Rj> 256-5684 [phone]
 Rj> Center for Canine Genetics & Reproduction          (607) 256-5689
 Rj> [fax] James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health         
 Rj> gma2 at cornell.edu College of Veterinary Medicine
 Rj> Cornell University
 Rj> Hungerford Hill Rd, Ithaca, New York 14853

 Thank you very much, this information will be very useful to me. If I find
something interesting and recent, I'll send it to you.
 Thank you once again,

 Rui Vogt Alves da Cruz
 rui.vogt.alves.da.cruz at dialdata.com.br

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