Problem with MAPMAKER/QTL

Frank Visser fvisser at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Fri Dec 15 06:11:47 EST 1995


A user of our system has a problem with QTL. According to the 
instructions, the user must first create a raw data file. This file must 
be processed in MAPMAKER with the command 

'prepare data <filename>'  

MAPMAKER then creates several files, which can be used in the both 
MAPMAKER and QTL. However, MAPMAKER can indeed read the datafiles but QTL 
gives an error-message, saying

1> load try1.data 
data file not loaded
*** Drats! An unhandled internal error occured. ***
Error message #10 (internal software error) was sent.
NOTE: In some extreme cases you may have to shut down and restart the
program in order to resume proper operation. Hit <return> to continue...

Now, I (or rather the user) probably does something very simple wrong... 
Do I have to run some additional analyses in MAPMAKER? Does anybody have
any experience with QTL? The documentation mentions a 'tutorial' which is
not available on-line. Does somebody have it and tell me what I am doing
wrong? I will contact the author(s), but I hope this will be faster.

Frank Visser                          |e-mail: fvisser at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre
Hinxton Hall, Hinxton                 | Tel: +44 (0)1223 494526 
Cambridge CB10 1RQ, UK                |
De wereld gaat aan vlijt ten onder. (Max Dendermonde)

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