Jon Waterman-Smith jpwscyto at pavilion.co.uk
Mon Apr 3 10:48:42 EST 1995

Within the next 6 weeks a new series of magazines will be launched, which
will have a hard copy available to interested parties, as well as a major
publication series available on the web. The magazines will deal with many
subject areas, and will have hypertext points imprinted into features, so
the reader can access the WWW, and simply go to the relevant pages,
following the same hypertext links as shown in the magazines.

The future.......

Our aim is to promote science, and scientific issues mainly in the field
of bioscience. Both the magazines and the WWW pages will eventually have
articles and links to publications, posters, and as many products and
suppliers as we can get interested in publishing with us. So, if you know
of anyone who would be interested in providing articles, publishing
information to assist other scientists, or you work for a company who
wants to advertise , and set up pages on the WWW, we aim to become the one
stop point to leap off into the web, and other internet areas. Send me an
email, and I'll keep you up to date on our progress. Also let me know if
you want to  register for the first issue of the first magazine to be
published early May '95. Diagnostics, Biotechnology and Life-sciences will
be the areas first targeted for publication.

TO ALL INTERESTED ADVERTISERS - the deadline for the first issue will be
in 3-4 weeks time. Please contact me urgently for more information - your
advert will also secure you web space and hypertext links!!!!!

I look forward to hearing from you all...
Best wishes,
Jon Waterman-Smith   E-mail address.....  jpwscyto at pavilion.co.uk

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