www/mosaic version of bionet.molbio.gene-linkage FAQ is really neat!

Conan the Librarian rootd at ee.pdx.edu
Fri Jun 10 00:25:21 EST 1994

Tim Trautmann (timt at ee.pdx.edu) of Portland State University took
my FAQ and put it into the world-wide-web.  It is available at:


This is not simply ascii text.  Tim did some really neat stuff, including:

hypertext link from the table of contents to each question body

hypertext link from the body to each ftp, gopher, and www site mentioned in
the FAQ

So, if you're browsing through the table of contents, and see the
"what gene-linkage ftp sites are available" question, you just click on
that question and you'll immediately goto that part of the FAQ.

Then, if you see a ftp site you'd like to check out, just click on the
ftp-site name in the FAQ and your mosaic client will automatically take you
there.  Then you can just click on files you want to download.

Of course, you need some sort of www client (probably mosaic) to use these
features.  If you don't have mosaic, you can obtain clients from
ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu via anonymous ftp

Put the above http address in your mosaic "hotlist!"  It is a permanent
address.  If you have a web site, make a link to the FAQ.

Of course, if you know of any ftp, gopher, or www sites that are not included
in our faq, please let me know.  This www-faq could be a great resource.

Darrell Root
rootd at ohsu.edu

PS.  For those of you looking for pedigree drawing programs, it's in the

PPS.  If you don't have mosaic, but would like to look at the FAQ, you can
obtain it via anonymous ftp from:

ftp.ee.pdx.edu in /pub/users/cat/rootd
sellwood.ohsu.edu in /pub/linkagefaq

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