A post-doctoral position is available immediately at CORNELL
UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, NY. This project is to illucidate the
molecular genetic control of the biosynthetic pathway for
acylsugars, a class of compounds mediating multiple pest
resistance in the wild tomato L. pennellii. The research is
directed at determining the role of the genes in identified
genomic regions on the biosynthesis of acylsugars and using this
information in the transfer of acylsugar-mediated multiple pest
resistance to cultivated tomato. The research involves all or
part of the following:
*Use of an existing map and additional populations to determine
the role of each of identified regions in acylsugar biosynthesis
*Testing to determine whether any additional regions not yet
identified affect types or levels of acylsugars produced
*Use of lines segregating for only one of the acylsugar-related
genomic regions to improve fine mapping of these regions as a
precursor to mapped based cloning.
The position is funded by a UDSA/NRI genome grant for up to two
years, although application for renewal is expected.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants MUST have a Ph.D. degree by the time of
appointment, along with experience in molecular genetics and plant
molecular biological techniques and/or biochemistry (DNA
extraction, RFLP techniques, PCR methodology, etc.) and training
and/or experience in either statistics or quantitative genetics.
An interest in plant improvement is also highly desirable.
Experience with QTL mapping is not required.
APPLICATION: Send curriculum vitae, brief statement of research
accomplishments and goals (less than one page), and list of three
references (with phone and FAX numbers) to
Dr. Martha A. Mutschler
Cornell University
Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
303 Bradfield Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
tel: 607-255-1660
fax: 607-255-6683
Email: mam13 at