SUMMARY-Linkage problem

Daniel E. Weeks dan at FLEMMING.WELL.OX.AC.UK
Wed Dec 21 11:40:15 EST 1994

Dear Lucien,

Thank you for making your raw data available. If I run your data through a
genotype elimination program I have, we get the output: 

1: Pedigree 1 has 172 people.

 Genotype List Contains only Incompatible Pairs:
 Father 38: Locus 3
 The genotype list is: 8/4  4/8  2,

 The spouse is person: 10
 The spouse's genotype list is: 3/2  1,

So here are the people involved:
1  10   5   1  37  11  11 2 0  2 2   2 4   2 3  1 3   2 4  Ped: 1  Per: 104
1  38   0   0  37   0   0 1 0  1 2   3 8   4 8  0 0   0 0  Ped: 1  Per: 132
1  37  38  10   0  39  39 2 0  2 2   2 8   2 6  1 7   1 2  Ped: 1  Per: 107
1  39  38  10   0   0  40 1 0  2 2   3 4   3 6  3 7   1 4  Ped: 1  Per: 105
1  40  41  10   0   0   0 1 0  1 1   2 7   2 6  1 3   2 8  Ped: 1  Per: 106
                                           ^ ^
As you can see, we have:

      4/8   x   2/3 
       |         |
      2/6       3/6

This is a clear inconsistency.  I do not know why UNKNOWN does not catch
this - perhaps it has to do with the fact that person 10 has married

Best wishes,
      -- Dan Weeks --

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