UNKNOWN output (speedfile.dat)

Dr. David Curtis dcurtis at crc.ac.uk
Tue Apr 5 08:41:20 EST 1994

The next thing I was thinking of working on was a program to carry out TDT (?transmission
disequilibrium test) on LINKAGE pedigree files. Has anyone done this already? Please let me
know if so, and then I won't bother.

Related to this, it would be handy to have a program that filled in the genotypes which can
be deduced unambiguously in a pedigree file. It occurs to me that this is one of the things which
the UNKNOWN program does, but I don't know of any description of the format for the output 
(called speedfile.dat). Can anyone point me at this. Otherwise I'll have to spend hours peering
through the source trying to follow what is happening. The notion would be that I would run 
UNKNOWN on the pedigree file, then read speedfile.dat to fill in any gaps in the genotype data
in the pedigree file. Presumably a utility like this would be quite handy for other purposes:
e.g. speeding up ESPA.

Thanks in advance

Dave Curtis

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