I have a couple of questions about running LINKAGE under OS/2.
1. What is the maximum number of haplotypes that can be handled (i.e. what
is the maximum, if any, for the MAXHAP constant)?
2. Am I correct in assuming that I must accquire a Prospero Pascal or NDP
Pascal compiler before I can tinker with the values for the constants and
what is the cost of these compilers?
3. Is the full version of the NDP compiler available now and what is the
address/phone number for NDP?
I am interested in multipoint analysis with microsatellite markers,
hence the need for a big MAXHAP and OS/2. Any other suggestions or advice
would be welcome.
Roger C. Green, Faculty of Medicine Phone: (709)737-6884
Memorial University , St. John's, Newfoundland. FAX : (709)737-7010