chrisp at cephb.cephb.fr chrisp at cephb.cephb.fr
Mon Mar 29 05:53:15 EST 1993

In article <1993Mar25.172107.17221 at reks.uia.ac.be>,
vosta at reks.uia.ac.be (Peter Van Osta) writes:
|> Hello,
|> Does anyone know how to obtain a copy of the linkage program "Linkage".
|> I would like to know how to obtain the latest version of this program.
|> Is there a version available for MS-DOS 5 and Turbo-Pascal 6 or 7 ?
|> Peter Van Osta

 To obtain LINKAGE V5.2, please send a Fax to:

 Pascale DENAYROUSE - Fondation Jean Dausset - C.E.P.H.

 Fax: (33-1) 40-18-01-55

 Please specify:

 Machine/OS:   PC   -    Dec/Ultrix    -    VAX/VMS
 Media:      (3"1/2HD)      TK50            Sun Tape (65Mb)
             (5"1/4HD)     3"1/2 tar        3"1/2 sun tar

 If you wish to receive LINKAGE on Tape (TK50 /Sun Tape), please send a blank
tape to Pascale.


 /|\   Christophe PERSON    System Administrator - CEPH Databases Manager /|\
0-0-0  Fondation Jean DAUSSET / Centre d'Etudes du Polymorphisme Humain  0-0-0
 \|/   (C.E.P.H)       27 Rue Juliette Dodu - 75010 PARIS - France        \|/
0-| Tel: 33-1-42-06-07-17   Fax: 33-1-40-18-01-55   Email:chrisp at cephb.fr  |-0

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