Animations of a Possible Cure for Cancer (Update IV)
This article presents the Bathtub Mechanism, a possible way to kill
cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes, a common characteristic of
many cancer cells. It includes several animations of the mechanism.
The Bathtub Mechanism, developed by the author several years ago, is
an algorithm, which can be implemented by a relatively simple set of
molecules, that may be able to selectively destroy cells with an
abnormal number of chromosomes. This system of drugs is like a bathtub
with several running faucets, one for each chromosome, and a single
drain. If there are too many faucets, chromosomes, the water level,
the concentration of the cell killer, will rise and overflow the
bathtub. If there are the right number, forty-six, or too few, less
than forty-six, faucets, the drain can remove the water being added
and the water level never rises. The water level remains almost zero;
the concentration of the cell killer is far too low to harm the
This update includes responses to several technical objections in the
comments section at the end of the article:
o References and links for research on adapting bacteriophages for
drug delivery
o More detailed discussion of possible source/drain features
associated with chromosomes
o Preventing or mitigating a possible immune response to the pseudo-
o How to avoid killing normal cells such as red blood cells that do
not have forty-six chromosomes
o References and links for aneuploidy and cancer
o How to use the Bathtub Mechanism to cure or treat cancer for
different relationships between aneuploidy and cancer: aneuploidy
causes cancer, cancer causes aneuploidy, aneuploidy causes rapid
mutation of cancer cells, aneuploidy is correlated with cancer, etc..
o Video Interview on the Bathtub Mechanism (New Cancer Mentality)
Article also published by H+ Magazine