[Bioforum] BiomedicalProjects.com community resource

Anand Chhatpar via bioforum%40net.bio.net (by anand.chhatpar from brainreactions.com)
Mon Oct 1 21:35:54 EST 2007

Hello everyone:

During the course of speaking with my friends in the Bio- 
instrumentation and bio-informatics scientific community, I have  
found that they often have not heard of


although it is an online community I have found very useful for  
tracking upcoming events/conferences and ongoing projects in the  
biomedical field. It is not a new website, they seem to have hundreds  
of members, maybe more than a thousand, some of which are regular  

Perhaps many of you will find it valuable for project blogging and  
connecting with resources in the following fields:
     * Biochemical
     * Bioinformatics
     * Bioinstrumentation
     * Biomaterials
     * Biomechanics
     * Tissue Engineering
     * Other

Thank you!

  - Anand V. Chhatpar
anand.chhatpar from brainreactions.com
CEO, BrainReactions LLC

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