[Bioforum] Deadline extension: GECCO 2007 graduate student workshop

A EKART via bioforum%40net.bio.net (by ekarta from aston.ac.uk)
Fri Mar 23 18:18:58 EST 2007

Apologies for cross posting

Deadline extension: 27 March 2007

C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

Graduate Student Workshop

to be held as part of the

2007 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007)

7-11 July 2007
University College London
Gower Street
London WC 1E 6BT, UK
Organized by ACM SIGEVO



The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007) will present 
the latest high quality results in the growing field of genetic and 
evolutionary computation. Topics include: genetic algorithms, genetic 
programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, real-world 
applications, learning classifier systems and other genetics-based machine 
learning, evolvable hardware, artificial life, adaptive behavior, ant colony 
optimization, swarm intelligence, biological applications, evolutionary 
robotics, coevolution, artificial immune systems and more.

This full day workshop will take place on the 8 July 2007 and will involve 
presentations by approximately 12 selected graduate students conducting 
research in some aspect of evolutionary computation. Students will make 15-20 
minute presentations to an audience that will include a 'mentor' panel of 
established researchers in evolutionary computation. Presentations will be 
followed by a 10 minute question and discussion period led by the mentor panel.

The goal of this workshop is to assist students regarding their research: 
research methodology, goals, and plans. Students will also receive feedback on 
their presentation style. Other attendees will benefit by learning about 
current research, engaging in technical discussions and meeting researchers 
with related interests. Other students are encouraged to attend as a means of 
strengthening their own research.

The group of presenting students will be chosen with the intent of creating a 
diverse group of students working on a broad range of topic areas. You are an 
ideal candidate if your thesis topic has already been approved by your 
university and you have been working on your thesis or dissertation for between 
6 and 18 months.

Submissions should follow the general format of GECCO submission (see author 
guidelines on the main GECCO page 
http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2007/papers.html). In addition, submissions should 
be accompanied by a brief cover letter including the student's current 
enrollment status (MSc or PhD student) and information regarding the extent of 
their research to date (e.g. number of months on the project, whether they have 
completed a proposal defense, or some similar indication of progress). Accepted 
papers will be included with the other workshop papers on the GECCO workshops 
CD-ROM. Awards will be presented for best work and best presentation.

Presenters should plan to present both their current research results and their 
future research goals and plans, keeping in mind that the goal is to receive
advice and suggestions on both the current status of their research and on 
their planed future research directions.

Information for students including details about travel grants can be found on 

Organizer: Aniko Ekart

Submissions should be made electronically to ekarta from aston.ac.uk with the 
subject "GECCO 2007 Graduate Student Workshop Submission".

Important dates:

Tuesday,   27 March 2007: Extended paper submission deadline
Friday,    30 March 2007: Accepted papers notification
Wednesday, 11 April 2007: Camera-ready files submission deadline
Wednesday, 11 April 2007: Conference registration deadline for authors 
presenting workshop papers

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