[Bioforum] Re: Denaturing reagents to convert a d.s Lambda DNA to ss DNA

shankar Ganesh via bioforum%40net.bio.net (by shankargan2006 At gmail.com)
Tue Nov 14 19:50:47 EST 2006

Hi everybody,

It would be extremely helpful if some one can answer the following questions
for me.

   1. What is the largest  commercially available Single Stranded DNA
   (that's much longer than the M13 (7249 bp) DNA)
   2. What are the denaturing agents that can be used to denature a
   double strand (e.g. Lambda DNA) to get a single strand, preserving
   streptavidin-biotin bonds? Also what's the ideal pH and salt concentration
   to keep the single strand intact after the double stranded DNA was

Looking forward to your replies.
Thanks in advance.

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