[Bioforum] Ninth International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems

Xavier Llorà xllora at illigal.ge.uiuc.edu
Sat Feb 11 17:58:36 EST 2006

                         LEARNING CLASSIFIER SYSTEMS

                           to be held as part of the


                    July 8-12, 2006 (Saturday-Wednesday)
                         Renaissance Seattle Hotel
                         Seattle, Washington, USA
                         Organized by ACM SIG-EVO


Since Learning Classifier Systems (LCSs) were introduced by Holland  
as a way of applying evolutionary computation to machine learning  
problems, the LCS paradigm has broadened greatly into a framework  
encompassing many representations, rule discovery mechanisms, and  
credit assignment schemes. Current LCS applications range from data  
mining to automated innovation to on-line control. Classifier systems  
are a very active area of research, with newer approaches, in  
particular Wilson's accuracy-based XCS, receiving a great deal of  
attention. LCS are also benefiting from advances in the field of  
reinforcement learning, and there is a trend toward developing  
connections between the two areas.

We invite submissions which discuss recent developments in all areas  
of research on, and applications of, Learning Classifier Systems.

IWLCS is the only event to bring together most of the core  
researchers in classifier systems. A free introductory tutorial on  
LCS will be presented at GECCO 2006.


There are two possibilities for paper submissions. Both will be peer  
reviewed, but reviews of short papers will be mainly to provide  
feedback to authors - we expect most or all will be accepted.

1) Short papers of up to 4 pages may be submitted. Accepted short  
papers will be presented at the workshop and published in the GECCO  
workshop volume. The format of the GECCO workshop volume is to be  
confirmed but we expect it will be the ACM format used in 2005. After  
the workshop authors will be invited to submit full papers which are  
reviewed again for the post-workshop proceedings, which we plan to  
publish in Springer's LNAI series as in past years.

2) Full papers of up to 20 pages (in Springer format) may be  
submitted for peer review before the workshop. Accepted full papers  
will be presented at the workshop and will be published in the post- 
workshop proceedings. Authors of full papers have a choice of how to  
contribute to the GECCO workshop volume: either i) prepare a short  
version for GECCO or ii) publish only your abstract in the GECCO  
book. If you prefer i) we would suggest an extended abstract of 1 or  
2 pages, but anything up to 50% of the full paper is ok.

Important dates

* Paper submission deadline: March 17, 2006
* Decisions: April 3, 2006
* GECCO 2006 Workshop proceedings camerar-ready: April 19, 2006
* Workshop: July 8-9, 2006

Organizing Commitee<

* Tim Kovacs, University of Bristol (UK)
* Xavier Llora, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
* Keiki Takadama, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)

Further information and a complete CFP can be found at:

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