Rosalind Franklin question

gavin gavin at zonvark.wustl.edu
Mon Apr 15 14:57:42 EST 2002

Yep, it's sodium deoxyribose nucleate from calf thymus, from which Franklin & Gosling
worked out the helical structure.

Franklin R.E. and Gosling R.G. (1953) Nature 171, 740-741.


Mark Solomon wrote:

> Calf thymus would've been my guess.  It was a popular and easy source for
> DNA for many studies.  However, instead of trying the web or a newsgroup,
> why not march down to your local scientific library and take a look at her
> paper:  Franklin, R.E., and Gosling, R.G., "Evidence for a 2-chain helix
> in crystalline structure of sodium desoyribonucleate," Nature 172 (1953)?
> If you do, please let us know.  I'm curious, and it would make a good
> trivia question!
> Mark Solomon
> Mark.Solomon at Yale.edu

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