Are americans systematically brainwashed?

D Monte ialmonte2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 6 22:14:42 EST 2002

"George" <eatmesexybitch at yourottencunt.com> wrote in message news:<jmHr8.2697> 
> Actually, Logan International Airport security tapes do show Mohammed Atta
> and at least one other of the terrorists arriving at the gate where they
> boarded the plane.  This was broadcast only days after the attack.

Of course there are always new developments. 

Did you read the following:

the article is posted in case the link doesnt work, here:
news:<1451cd92.0204051908.108ef710 at posting.google.com>...

Just some  bits from the rather reputable article above:

 Attorney General John Ashcroft has ordered the suppression 
 of news coverage of massive Israeli espionage operations
 inside the United States, the Bush Administration
 has taken several significant initiatives, aimed at
 closing some of the most egregious loopholes, that
 have facilitated Israeli penetration of American
 national security institutions at the highest

 In Texas, California, Arkansas, and Florida, U.S.
 investigators found that the Israeli "art student"
 teams were living within a stone's throw from
 houses and apartments occupied by suspected
 "Islamic" terrorists, whose names appeared on an
 Oct. 2001 list of individuals whose assets were
 frozen, at the request of the U.S. government.
 In the most egregious instance, a dozen Israeli
 spies were operating out of a Hollywood, Florida
 address, 4220 Sheridan Street, just a block away
 from 3389 Sheridan Street, the apartment where
 Mohammed Atta was living with three other men
 accused of the Sept. 11 hijackings.

 The proximity of the Israeli "art student" spy
 teams to some of the suspected al-Qaeda "sleeper"
 networks in the United States has prompted some
 American national security officials to suspect
 that Israel had infiltrated the Sept. 11 terror
 plot, at some level, and failed to pass on the
 information to U.S. authorities.

Arabs have claimed since the beginning that 
Mossad was responsible but that may be an exaggeration.
see an example of one of those claims here:

I am remain quite  curious as to why J Ashcroft 
has ordered all coverage of the spy ring suppressed from the Media.
Is the government doing this to protect its  credibility should
evidence be found against the official narrative concerning the cause
of sept 11?. 

You can find my response to the spy story and some links to  
an article that appeared in Barrons discussing irregularities 
in the financial markets preceding the Sep 11 disaster here:

news:<c0c6feba.0204061747.5c95f32d at posting.google.com>...

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