Change of email ID.

SURESH NAIK snaik at kelvin.ncl.res.in
Fri Aug 17 00:10:30 EST 2001

Please change my email address with the news group from
snaik at kelvin.ncl.res.in   to

suresh_naik67 at yahoo.co.uk


|       "Only in the dictionary, success comes before work"          |
|                                |                                   |
|SURESH NAIK                     | Res ph:+91-20-5284915             |
|Plant Molecular Biology Unit    | off ph:+91-20-5893173/5893034     |
|Division of Biochemical Sciences| off fax:+91-20-5884032            |
|National Chemical Laboratory    |                                   |
|Pune 411 008                    | email: snaik at dalton.ncl.res.in    |
|INDIA                           | URL: http://www.ncl-india.org/    |
|                                |                                   |


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