How Do You Feel?

ruready at china.com ruready at china.com
Sat May 13 12:52:20 EST 2000

Dear Reader , 

Our Health, Nutrition, and Weight Management Company has been helping people for 20 years. 
We have assisted more than 30 million people world wide either lose, gain or maintain their weight fast, safely, and effectively (while increasing energy) with our doctor approved all natural products. But most importantly we'll work  with you personally, to keep help you achieve your goals!

If it's time for you to be  Serious and Ready about your health, LET US HELP YOU (or someone you love) LOSE weight, or  GAIN weight  or MAINTAIN weight with lots of ENERGY Too!

If you ACT NOW and are one of the first 500 people to complete the following survey and 
send it to our response address at weighlesshotline at hongkong.com, you will be registered 
to receive a FREE WEIGHT LOSS VIDEO with FREE CONSULTATION and a chance to 
receive a 30 Day Sample of our "Lose Up To 45lbs in 45 Days (Eat More and Weigh Less)   
WEIGHT-LOSS PROGRAM (or Weight Gain or Energy Program - you decide which you need) 
This is a Special Limited Time Offer....ACT NOW!!

Congratulations on taking the next step to weight-loss and improved
health, that you can feel and see in a very short time. If you're really
ready to lose weight for the last time, consider this your invitation to
a better lifestyle. Please answer the following questions, so that we
can better assist you with your weight loss needs. All information
you provide is strictly confidential.

Day Phone:
Best Time to Call:   

How much weight would you like to lose ?
5-10 lbs.  10-20 lbs.  20-40 lbs.  40-60 lbs.  60-100+ lbs. 

What is Your Current Weight?   

What is Your Goal Weight?   

What is Your Height?   

What is Your Age?   

Do you have any health concerns?   

What weight-loss programs have you tried?
Jenny Craig  Weight-Watchers  Slim-Fast  Richard Simmons  Other 

How serious are you about losing weight?   

What is the particular reason you want to lose weight at this time?  
How many times a week do you eat out?   

On an average day, what do you eat for:


Mid-morning Snack?   


Mid-afternoon Snack?   


Evening Snack?   

Free Weight Loss Consultation as well as a  chance to receive a 30 Day Sample of one of 
our  All Natural -Safe & Effective Weight Loss Programs, complete the survey and send it to weighlesshotline at hongkong.com
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mailto:ruready at china.com and placing REMOVE in the subject line.


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