Fwd: NAMI E-News MEDWATCH: Report Adverse Medication Reactions

rosaphilia rugosa rosaphilia at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 29 17:15:44 EST 2000

print this out and widely disseminate for all those you love who are on 

>From: chris at nami.apollonian.com
>Subject: NAMI E-News   MEDWATCH: Report Adverse Medication Reactions
>Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:47:15 -0500
>NAMI E-News              February 22, 2000           Vol. 00-92
>MedWatch, an initiative of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is a 
>designed for reporting serious reactions and problems with medical 
>such as drugs and medical devices, after they are approved and released for
>public use and as they are used in clinical practice.  MedWatch facilitates
>timely identification of significant health concerns connected with these
>products to ensure that new safety information is quickly disseminated to 
>medical community and results in improved patient care.   MedWatch invites 
>participation of consumers, health professionals, and manufacturers to make
>these reports over the internet, by phone or mail.
>NAMI is concerned that the consumer voice is not being widely heard in this
>process.  MedWatch provides a mechanism to directly include the experiences 
>consumers for ongoing evaluations by the FDA on the safety and 
>effectiveness of
>Laws already in place require prescription drug manufacturers to submit to 
>FDA Postmarketing Adverse Drug Experience reports.  Once new medications 
>available to the public, the pharmaceutical manufacturers are instructed to 
>reports including information they receive about the safety and efficacy of 
>new medications.  There are also regulations mandating some reporting 
>user facilities, such as hospitals and nursing homes, on deaths and serious
>injuries that result from the use of medical devices.  However, provider 
>consumer reporting of adverse effects and product problems with medications 
>strictly voluntary.  MedWatch provides a format for reporting adverse drug
>reactions by consumers and health care professionals directly to the FDA, 
>has the authority to take actions to protect the public.
>MedWatch defines an event as a "serious reaction" if the product caused 
>death, a
>life-threatening situation, hospital admission or extended stay, a 
>disability, birth-defect or the need for medical intervention to prevent
>permanent damage.  The FDA uses reports from health care professionals and
>manufacturers to expose problems with products already on the market and to 
>corrective action if necessary.  In reaction to previous reports, the FDA 
>used its authority to make labeling changes, added boxed warnings to labels 
>products, and in the most serious cases, authorized product recalls and
>withdrawals from the market.
>If you experience a serious, unexpected adverse event that you believe may 
>related to one or more medications you are taking, you can report this via
>MedWatch can be accessed on the web by going to 
>To report your adverse effects or problems by phone, call the FDA Office of
>Emergency Operations at (301) 443-1240.
>If you have additional questions about the medical product which caused 
>problem, or if you need additional MedWatch reporting forms, please call 
>the FDA
>Office of Consumer Affairs at (800) 532-4440.
>The FDA stresses that strict confidentiality practices are in place to 
>those who wish to remain anonymous when reporting.
>Please forward this email if you know somebody
>who would like to add their name to this mail listing.
>They should visit:
>and simply fill in the form to join the NAMI Electronic News !
>If you would like to remove your name from this mail listing, visit
>and insert the email address you want to remove.

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